Frequently Asked Questions
Pocket Trainer: Fitness Calculator / Calorie Calculator Plus
Visit the Pocket Trainer page to find out more information on how this product works.
How many calories should I eat to lose weight?
According to Harvard University, “…to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week - a rate that experts consider safe - your food consumption should provide 500 - 1,000 calories
less than your total weight maintenance calories. “
Pocket Trainer has a free calorie calculator to help you with this. It shows you how many calories should be taking in to maintain or lose weight. It also includes
estimates on how many calories you will burn from a variety of activities and intensity levels.
How do I update the apps on my Android tablet/phone?
Open the Google Play Store app (
At the top right, tap the profile icon
Tap Manage apps & devices.
Select the “update all apps” option to up update all of your applications. If you would prefer to update individual apps, Apps with an update available are
labeled “Update available”. Tap Update to update just this application
If you have any problems, please refer to this Google Android support article.
What life lessons can running teach you?
Completing a Marathon requires months of hard work training in all types of weather. While there are certainly health benefits to the training, the discipline can
also teach you important life lessons that can be applied to other parts of your life. Visit our Life Lessons blog post to learn more.
What is a fitness monitor?
A fitness monitor is a device worn on the wrist or chest that can detect a number of fitness related metrics, including walking steps, running distance, heart rate
and sleeping patterns. These have become quite popular as technology has improved and prices have dropped. Check out our fitness and activity monitor
product reviews to find the right fitness and activity monitor for you.
What do fitness trackers monitor?
Fitness and activity trackers monitor a number of vital statistics including walking steps, heart rate, blood pressure, calories burned, distance ran/biked and
sleeping patterns. They also often have a diary that includes when you worked out, completed exercises, duration and your weight. Check out our fitness and
activity monitor product reviews for more details on the best products on the market.
Best fitness monitoring devices
Fitness trackers are wearable devices that can help track many key health metrics. Check out our fitness and activity monitor product reviews for more details on
the best products on the market.
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