Lexabean Fitness

Copyright Lexabean, LLC

From Where I Run

I, like many Marathoners, have a few favorite places for my long runs. For me, the location of the run is just as important as the distance. I look for places where I can run in total peace and escape from reality. Most of my favorite runs are near water and extremely scenic. This is important to me, especially for my long runs, as it gives me something to look forward to each week and keeps me interested in completing the distance. Of course, listening to music on my iPhone is essential when I’m out on a run. I’ve documented some of my favorite runs on my Google Sites Blog and I’ve included below a few pictures I’ve taken along the route of several of the more scenic long runs I like to do.

Rich Pollner


Rich Pollner has completed 11 marathons, including Boston 4x. He has a Masters of Science (Computer Science) from an Ivy League school (the University of Pennsylvania) and over 30 years of professional management and software development experience.
Social media is a great place for sharing pictures of your favorite run. There is even a hashtag (#FromWhereIRun) where many other runners have contributed their favorite pictures and videos. A great example is this video on Instagram. Follow us on Youtube and Instagram to see the latest or to make your own contributions.
Copyright Lexabean, LLC

From Where I Run

Rich Pollner


Rich Pollner has completed 11 marathons, including Boston 4x. He has a Masters of Science (Computer Science) from an Ivy League school (the University of Pennsylvania) and over 30 years of professional management and software development experience.
I, like many Marathoners, have a few favorite places for my long runs. For me, the location of the run is just as important as the distance. I look for places where I can run in total peace and escape from reality. Most of my favorite runs are near water and extremely scenic. This is important to me, especially for my long runs, as it gives me something to look forward to each week and keeps me interested in completing the distance. Of course, listening to music on my iPhone is essential when I’m out on a run. I’ve documented some of my favorite runs on my Google Sites Blog and I’ve included below a few pictures I’ve taken along the route of several of the more scenic long runs I like to do.
Instagram is an ideal platform for sharing pictures of your favorite run. It even has a hashtag (#FromWhereIRun) where many other runners have contributed their favorite pictures and videos. A great example is this video on Instagram. Follow us on social media to see the latest or to make your own contributions.

Lexabean Fitness