We live in a world where there are a number of different measurement standards. The most well known are Metric and Imperial, but these are not the only examples. The US & UK use different scales for Gallons, Quarts, Pints, Cups and Fluid Ounces. But, even within one standard it can be confusing or difficult to convert between units. Do you know, for example, how many oz in a gallon? How many tbsp to a cup?
Benefits Of A Units Converter
The benefits of a units converter include:1.Weight Loss & Cooking: Many diets are about portion control. With a units converter, you can ensure you are measuring your meal portions properly.2.Recipes: You find a great recipe, but they are in units you are not familiar with. A units converter will quickly and accurately convert these into units you are familiar with.3.Shopping, Traveling, Away From Home : Take the Pocket Trainer Units Converter for Android devices on the go with you. Its free and requires no internet connection to work so you can convert between units while on the go.
Pocket Trainer
With the Pocket Trainer Units Conversion tool, you can quickly and easily convert units for weight loss, cooking, health, fitness, travel planning and much more. It supports common conversions including: KM to miles, kilograms to pounds, ounces to pounds and tablespoons to cupsThe full list includes:oDistance: Convert between KM, Meters, Miles, Yards, Feet and Athletic Track lapsoVolume: Convert between Milliliters, Liters, US Gallons, US Quarts, US Pints, US Cups, US Fluid Ounces, UK Gallons, UK Quarts, UK Pints, UK Cups, UK Fluid Ounces, Tablespoons and TeaspoonsoWeight: Convert between Kilograms, Grams, Pounds and OuncesoTemperature: Fahrenheit, Celsius
We live in a world where there are a number of different measurement standards. The most well known are Metric and Imperial, but these are not the only examples. The US & UK use different scales for Gallons, Quarts, Pints, Cups and Fluid Ounces. But, even within one standard it can be confusing or difficult to convert between units. Do you know, for example, how many oz in a gallon? How many tbsp to a cup?
Benefits Of A Units Converter
The benefits of a units converter include:1.Weight Loss & Cooking: Many diets are about portion control. With a units converter, you can ensure you are measuring your meal portions properly.2.Recipes: You find a great recipe, but they are in units you are not familiar with. A units converter will quickly and accurately convert these into units you are familiar with.3.Shopping, Traveling, Away From Home : Take the Pocket Trainer Units Converter for Android devices on the go with you. Its free and requires no internet connection to work so you can convert between units while on the go.
Pocket Trainer
With the Pocket Trainer Units Conversion tool, you can quickly and easily convert units for weight loss, cooking, health, fitness, travel planning and much more. It supports common conversions including: KM to miles, kilograms to pounds, ounces to pounds and tablespoons to cupsThe full list includes:oDistance: Convert between KM, Meters, Miles, Yards, Feet and Athletic Track lapsoVolume: Convert between Milliliters, Liters, US Gallons, US Quarts, US Pints, US Cups, US Fluid Ounces, UK Gallons, UK Quarts, UK Pints, UK Cups, UK Fluid Ounces, Tablespoons and TeaspoonsoWeight: Convert between Kilograms, Grams, Pounds and OuncesoTemperature: Fahrenheit, Celsius